Field Work

One of the best aspects of my research is the field-work. It has allowed me so far to travel to some of the remotest corners of South-east Asia including places that have never been surveyed for birds. A whole wealth of new discoveries await to be shared with the world. Here are just some snippets of some of these adventures.

Gunung Talakmau and Pulau Siberut - Spring 2018

Gunung Talakmau: Part of the first LSU expedition to Sumatra, this 2900m tall mountain is located in West Sumatra Province, 4 hrs. north of the city of Padang.
Pulau Siberut: The largest of the Mentawai Islands, it is one of the islands off West Sumatra harboring a lot of endemics.

Gunung Besar - Fall 2017

Gunung Besar: Part of the Meratus Mountains, it is the highest peak in the range (1900 m). This was the first expedition of this kind on this mountain.

Maratua, Bawean and Tanjung Batu - Fall 2016

Maratua Island: An oceanic island NE of Borneo, it is home to the gray morph of the Black-headed Bulbul I study.
Bawean Island: A continental island between Java and Borneo, has another gray morph of the Black-headed Bulbul.

Gunung Mulu and Gunung Pueh - Summer 2016

Gunung Mulu: A 2400m peak in the middle of pristine forest in NE Sarawak, Malaysia.
Gunung Pueh: At 1200m, this mountain is located in extreme western Sarawak along the border with Indonesia.